Call of the wolf Page 5
A rustle of bush nearby, followed by the startled cry of birds as they took flight brought Maccon to his feet, his sharp eyes darting around him. His nose turned to the wind to smell out whatever it was that had disturbed his peace, he did not have to wait long when the scent of a mortal reached him, the scent of the girl.
Growling slightly before he called out, “There is no point hiding from me, you cannot spy on a wolf.” The trees rustled a little more before Emilie appeared before him, her long hair had been pulled back in a loose plait, her red cloak was pulled tightly around her petite body; a body Maccon found himself wanting to see as he wondered if all of her skin was a flawless and beautiful as her face. Those ice blue eyes were watching him warily as she stepped over some shrubs.
“I was not spying on you Maccon, I was searching for some Yarrow to put on Conan's wounds. They have been weeping and I need to be sure they will not bleed anymore,” she told him. Taking a seat on the rock he had been sitting on just moments ago, he did not join her. Instead he allowed himself to study her a little closer. He had to admit she was exquisite with a beauty he had never seen before. There was something enchanting about her, making him want to be with her despite his deep resentment towards her.
“How is he?” Maccon finally asked, breaking the silence between them noticing how Emilie would not look at him and wondering why.
“He will recover, although I think you already knew that, after all you wolves are hard to kill if what the myths say are true,” Emilie joked. Her small smile pulling gently at her perfectly shaped lips roused something inside of Maccon, and he found himself cursing within at his body's desire for something he could not have. He flashed her a boyish grin as he moved to take a seat by her.
“The myths are wrong, we are not immortal like the vampires you met last night, and even not all vampires are immortal; only the line from the Lamia, the oldest family, have the Dark Blood that gives you the gift of endless life,” Maccon explained. Seeing the look in Emilie's eyes not being able to read it, he laughed nervously realizing how mad he must have sounded.
“I am sorry, I am aware that what I have just said to you must have seemed like I am talking like a lunatic.”
“If I had not been through what I had last night, then yes I would think you mad. But after nearly being a meal to three hungry vampires, witnessing a man turn into a wolf and then have a powerful black wolf come to the rescue of us all, I believe what you say,” Emilie said quietly.
“Well that is a good thing, because you are going to be stuck with us for a while, me especially,” Maccon said casually, his eyes darkening slightly at the teasing look held in Emilie's own as she replied with a coy voice.
“What girl would not want a strong, handsome black wolf at her side every day? I have no problem with this new arrangement.”
Maccon licked his lips, swallowing hard as he stood quickly changing the subject and breaking the unmistakable sexual tension that had suddenly built between them. “You mentioned that you needed to return to the city to gather some medical supplies for Conan. Shall we go now? I have yet to step into Paris itself.”
“Have you not? Can I ask why that is so, when it is clear that both Conan and Raff have,” Emilie questioned him.
Maccon smiled sheepishly at her, “I am not trusted amongst the mortal women, well any woman for that matter. I have bit of a reputation you see. Last time I nearly got myself killed when I let my desire get the better of me,” he explained, running his hand through his hair. “I think this is my punishment. Well, not being able to go into the city and also having to be your guardian; making sure you do not escape from us and expose our whereabouts,” he replied.
“So, you are holding me prisoner? You are worried that I will tell someone where you are; what you are?”
“You could see yourself as a prisoner, or you could look at it as a healer helping an injured man, and showing his devilishly handsome brother around the big scary city. We can make it as fun as you want it,” Maccon grinned.
“Is that a promise?” her smooth voice teased, again rousing his senses, making him want nothing more than to pounce on her right where she was sitting, instead he held out his hand to pull her up.
“Anything you want sweetheart, but first fix my brother.”
Melaina wrapped her black cloak tightly round herself as she descended the steps of the Louvre. Paris was slowly waking as the dawn light spread over the city; pulling her hood up over her raven hair to stop the biting wind nipping at her skin, winter had always been her favourite time of year and she could not wait for the snow to come. Turning her face into the bitter morning air she could sense that the white dust of nature was to come soon enough.
“You always did relish the cold dawn mornings,” a silky voice stopped her in her tracks, a dark smirk crossed her lips before she schooled her features and turned to face the person the voice belonged to. There, leaning lazily against the wall of the palace was a vampire she had not seen for many years, yet every time he was near her she felt the forbidden fire of desire ignite within her. His strong lean body was covered in a deep red suit, a midnight blue cloak slung loosely over him, long gold locks lay perfectly against his shoulders. Those intense crimson eyes were sweeping over her taking in every inch of her curved body; as he devoured the sight of her, it brought a devilish grin across her shapely lips.
“Thanatos. It has been a long time; how is it I have the pleasure of seeing you today?” Melaina asked, not moving from her spot. If he wanted her then he would have to come to her; she did not care that he was the head of the Lamia. The first night he had taken her to his bed and ravished her over and over had been the night their relationship turned to something deeper, darker. Her deep blue eyes watched him as he stepped gracefully down the steps and moved fluidly to her side. She made no effort to hide the obvious lust in her gaze as she admired him. Thanatos raised a long finger, trailing it down her soft cheek and along the column of her neck. Melaina closed her eyes to his touch, it only fuelling the longing for him.
“You smell just as incredible as you did the last time I saw you, and I can only imagine you taste just as delicious as you did then.”
Melaina opened her eyes locking them with the piercing gaze of the man that was currently driving her senses wild, taking hold of his finger, removing it from her neck as she did so, wrapping her small hand around his bringing it to her mouth deliberately placing a lingering kiss to each digit, eyes never leaving his.
“I taste better than I did all those years ago Thanatos, and if you play your game right I may just allow you to sample such a delicacy,” she purred, dropping his hand and stepping back from him.
“But first answer my question, why is it that you stand before me on the grounds of your brother's palace when you have shown no interest in his affairs since he took the throne; and why it is I have not heard from you for half a century?” She asked, not being able to hide a smile as she saw the frustration flash in his eyes. He was so used to getting all he wanted he had forgotten that Melaina did not give in to his demands so easily.
“I am not here to keep watch over my brother, I came for a visit to a country I love and have missed. Spain is so boring and hot, far too hot,” Thanatos bent to whisper in her ear, “Also you are no longer in Spain and I was getting lonely.”
“I suppose I believe you a little, but you forget I know you so well Thanatos. I know you are not being completely honest with me and until you are, this body will not be yours,” Melaina told him, though she knew that he did not believe her empty threat.
“Is that so?” he smirked, “What if I do this, will it change your mind?” Before she had a chance to protest, his lips were pressed hard against her own. His strong arms snaked around her pulling her body flush to his as his tongue parted her lips to crash with her own in a heated, desperate kiss. Melaina almost melted against Thanatos as her own hands wandered down his muscled torso, one she knew so well, and one she had missed so much. Moaning agains
t his deep kiss she felt him bite down on her bottom lip as he broke the intimate connection. Melaina felt her breath quicken as Thanatos ran his tongue over the bite tasting her blood, finally he released her from his grasp stepping back with a cocky smirk upon the mouth that had only moments ago assaulted hers.
“You were right you do taste just as delectable, if not more so than the last time I devoured you. Now tell me again that I am not allowed to take you to my bed and have my wicked way with you,” Thanatos challenged. Melaina's eyes darkened dangerously at his words as she pulled her hood back up and adjusted her cloak. She wanted him so badly right then and there but she also wanted to know what it was that had actually brought him to Paris and if it meant depriving him of the one thing he longed for, her in his bed, then so be it. She just prayed that he would give in soon, but she knew Thanatos well enough to know that he hated losing.
“I have told you; now you tell me the real reason why you are here and I will be at your mercy,” she replied. Not waiting for a response, she turned and carried on her way out of the grounds into the streets of Paris. She had a sister to find; she did not have time to play the games of a vampire lord, no matter how much she wanted to.
Chapter Nine
Emilie led the way through the winding streets of the city. The streets of Paris, with their endless worn-down buildings placed so close together, and the bustle of the locals as they made it through their day, never ceased to soothe her. Despite the smell, and the dirt that laced the cobbles of the street Emilie still could not imagine being anywhere else in the world. She had found a happiness and a purpose in Paris. She knew most of the locals so well and all the merchants that often graced the markets. Often, she was given first pick at the newest herbs for her medicines, or the finest of silks should she fancy making herself a new dress or winter coat. Side glancing the wolf at her side, she could see the look of excitement on Maccon's face as his eyes grew wide taking in his new surroundings; she could not help but smile, he was like a child at Christmas.
“I imagine your sensitive nose is having a wonderful time with all these smells, especially that of the meat stalls. Though your moaning the other night over dinner tells me that neither you nor your brothers are too keen on French meat,” Emilie said as Maccon caught up with her flashing her his dazzling smile causing her to blush and look away from him to focus her gaze on the different stalls as she picked their way towards the hospital.
“The smells are something else, even stronger than London, so much fresher and sweeter. The bread and treats are mouth-watering even to a meat eater. Though I will not lie to you, the meat here is disgusting, your wine on the other hand is some of the finest I have tasted,” Maccon replied. Emilie laughed side glancing him,
“Your brothers are just not looking in the right place for a good meal. Once we have collected the medicines I need and I have gone to my home to gather some extra clothing, we shall stop and get some steaks that I promise will change your opinion on French meat,” she told him as they came to a stop outside a large building. The building that stood before them was one of the oldest in the city, and had been a hospital for many years, just to the right of it was a smaller replica of the hospital. This had become the madhouse of Paris, and although Emilie had spent many of her days in there she still hated it, hated the feeling of helplessness that she felt every time she stepped within the doors. She noticed that Maccon tensed slightly backing away from it; she suspected he could smell the stench of death and blood. She did not blame his reaction, the smell was strong even to her senses, and she was certain she would never get use to the darkness of death. To watch the spark of life leave a mortal and know that there had been nothing that she could have done to save them still hurt her. Her powers would only stretch so far without becoming noticeable and to prevent death or to step in the way of the path of nature would require dark magic that she was not prepared to call from within. She had vowed that she would never touch such a power and she had every intention to not break her promise to herself. Turning to face her handsome protector she forced a gentle smile to try and defuse his discomfort.
“Wait here Mr. Protector. I shall not be long, and do not worry, this is the only way in or out of the building. So, unless I decide to climb out of a window I shall return to your side,” Emilie assured him. Not waiting for a response, she climbed the steps, entering the hospital doors. Her eyes scanned the path in front of her, hoping that she would not meet anyone that could potentially slow down her quest in getting in and out of here as quickly as was humanly possible. Letting out a breath of relief she made her way to the store room. She kept her head down not wishing to speak with anyone. Pushing open the door of the room coughing slightly at the musty smell that always greeted anyone that had to come to retrieve supplies. The only window in the room was a small square hole in the wall that let in a pathetic amount of light, but it was enough for her to at least see the shelves in the room. Using her powers, she reached out to where the supplies she needed were located, with a slight flick of her wrist the medicines and bandages flew into her hand. She was just about to leave the room when the door closed shut on her. Spinning around she was greeted by her sister leaning against her escape route, eyes narrowing as she spoke.
“I would not do that if I were you Melaina,” Emilie's voice carried a tone of warning. “I have a wolf waiting for me outside and he will come looking for me soon enough, so I suggest you allow me to leave.”
“You can introduce me to your new pet in a moment little sister; I must admit he is a fine specimen of a dog as they go, I do envy you.” Melaina sneered.
“What do you want Melaina? I do not have time to play your games; I have to return to the lodge with Maccon to treat his brother.” Emilie sighed in exasperation.
“Thanatos is here in Paris,” her sister replied, sending a ripple of fear through Emilie. The mere mention of the vampire lord was enough to chill Emilie to the bone. Thanatos always scared her, she was not ashamed to admit that, and the involvement that Melaina had with him only terrified her more. The two of them together were a force to be reckoned with, and she feared not only for Paris, but for the rest of the Forsaken if Thanatos was out of hiding. He clearly had some hidden agenda.
“You are sure of this?”
“Very much so, I saw him, tasted him, myself,” Melaina smirked. Emilie rolled her eyes pushing her sister out of the way to open the door not caring to hear of Melaina's latest encounter with the powerful vampire.
“And what does he want?” Emilie asked.
“I do not know yet, he would not tell me, but he will. I have told him he cannot have what he wants till I know the real reason he is here.”
“I thank you for telling me this Melaina, and when you find out why he is here then I may be a little more interested. But if it is just to satisfy his needs then I do not care much,” Emilie told her, jumping as Melaina slammed the door shut once more. Emilie could feel her breath on her neck as Melaina leaned in hissing out a warning,
“I would be very careful and worried Emilie, after all it was you who killed his little brother, was it not? You never know what kind of revenge he could be after.” Emilie pulled away from her sister sending her an icy look.
“I will take my chances, now I am leaving; you are welcome to come with me and I shall introduce you to Maccon, after all you are meant to be my watcher.” Not waiting for answer she lead the way out of the building back into the bright winter sun.
Maccon was leaning casually against a tree in the middle of the market, she could see his sharp eyes watching all that was going on, his body tense and alert to any danger. Emilie called out to him and she noticed the tension in his gaze soften as it fell on her, before it flicked to Melaina.
“Maccon, this is my sister Melaina.” Emilie introduced. Maccon took Melaina's hand in his kissing it gently, Emilie could not help but smile at the disgust that flashed across Melaina's features at his gesture.
“It is a pleasure.” he s
aid smoothly.
Melaina plastered a sweet smile on her face as she replied,
“The pleasure is mine Maccon, I am sure you will treat my sister well. I shall leave you both to your day.” As Melaina walked past Emilie she heard her mutter.
“Remember what I said, Thanatos is looking for something and it could very well be you.”
Emilie did not move as she watched Melaina disappear into the crowd, though she knew that she would not be far from them.
“She is an interesting character your sister.” Maccon's voice brought her from her thoughts, Emilie turned to face him an eyebrow raised at his accurate assumption of Melaina.
“You mean she is a bitch?” Emilie corrected him, laughing at the sheepish look on his face, taking his arm pulling him in the direction of her house.
“You do not have to be polite Maccon, because calling her a bitch is being nice believe me. Come, I will show you my humble home; it is just a little bigger than the lodge,” she said shyly.
As they made their way through the busy street Emilie allowed her thoughts to drift back to the store room in the hospital, and the words Melaina had spoken. If what she had said had been true, then Emilie could very well be in danger. Thanatos was not as kind as his brother, he had a cold heart and he would not think twice of seeking revenge on her for the death of his brother. Shaking her head slightly to rid her mind of such dark thoughts, she could not let this recent news cloud her vision on the task ahead of her. Maccon was warming to her, that was clear to see. The power she had over him, the mind spell she had cast on him, while they had been down at the water that morning, was working, but she still had a lot of work to do. The wolf was still far from being tamed, and Emilie was certain that he did not completely trust her, and that was what she had to gain. His trust was the most important of all, without that he would not tell her the information she so badly needed.