Call of the wolf Read online
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“But I am not a mortal,” Emilie stated, causing Melaina to snap back. “Stop trying to find a way out of this sister, there is none! It is the easiest of spells to disguise yourself as a mortal. This will happen tomorrow Emilie, and you will not mess it up. If you do I will kill you myself!” Melaina warned, smirking in satisfaction when Emilie shrunk down in her seat falling silent. Melaina had delivered a very real threat. Sister or not, failure was unacceptable. And death would be the only punishment.
Chapter Four
Emilie stood in front of the mirror taking in the reflection before her, troubled ice blue eyes stared back at her, long chocolate curls cascaded freely over her shoulders and down her back; flawless skin the colour of porcelain made her look no older than her early twenties when in reality she was nearing on three hundred years old. Emilie and her sister were a rare breed of witch that carried the Dark Blood of Immortality in their veins. The very same blood that the vampires possessed and it was only by their invocation could anyone be blessed with the power of immortality, or cursed depending on what you wanted from life. Emilie had never enjoyed the path she had been forced to take, though her sister had taken to the darkness so quickly, and had learnt how to use her powers to her advantage. It was why Melaina was known as the Dark Witch; she had been feared for centuries and used her power to torture many. Emilie had chosen the path of a healer, she did not agree with using her powers to kill, but she possessed such charm that she could make any mortal being fall under her spell and fall in love with her. The White Witch, as she was known, was elusive and it was how she had chosen to be, but this new task she had been forced into was only plaguing her mind with memories of more than one hundred years ago, when she had used her powers of seduction to tempt a rouge vampire named Aleron. No one had known that he was a descendant from the first and oldest vampire family called Lamia; the one’s that carry the Dark Blood; the one’s that had chosen Emilie and Melaina to be the first witches that they would allow to possess that kind of immortality, but not become the Children of the Night craving human blood. Emilie had failed at her task and had fallen in love with Aleron and he with her. It had not been difficult to do so. He had been tall, strong and mysterious, eyes the colour of an emerald jewel, a green never seen before in a vampire. He had been kind to Emilie and there had been such a fire within him that had settled in her soul. A fire that she had never found again. A flame that had died with him. His death had been her fault and it had been the reason why she had sunk into the shadows; started a life as a healer, first in Spain and now in France. She could not allow herself to make the same mistake again. To that end, she had concocted a potion for herself that would not allow her to fall in love but still have the means to use her ways of allure, although she did admit she missed the warmth of someone beside her in the night, the feel of someone moving inside her, allowing her to succumb to her desires. Though what was to stop that from happening with this wolf? She did not have to fall in love with him to have sex with him. It was easy enough to pretend to love someone, after all.
Taking a deep breath, shaking her body slightly to rid herself of any negative thoughts. She had to be on her guard tonight, she could not show fear. Reaching for her long red cloak, a cloak she had used for as long as she could remember, she fastened it round herself pulling the hood up over her curls. Making her way out of the small house, she turned back to look inside one last time as she went to close the door. Who knew when or if she would be back here again, for she could die at the hands of the wolves tonight if they did not choose to be kind to her. Making her way through the twisting streets until she stepped free of the suffocating buildings, pausing for a few moments to breathe in the clean smell of the fresh air, she continued on her path towards the forest. It would take her a few hours to reach her destination; she could have chosen to ride horseback but she preferred to go by foot, allowing her senses to relish in nature, something she had missed living in the city and she vowed to spend more time amongst the trees.
Melaina was waiting as planned on the outskirts of the thicket, dressed in her trademark all black, her raven hair hidden under the thick hood of her cloak, her piercing eyes the same blue colour of Emilie's watching her intensely as she came towards her. Emilie shivered slightly under her watchful gaze, never trusting Melaina completely. Though they were sisters she did not doubt that Melaina's threat was true, she would kill Emilie should she botch this up. Emilie noticed Melaina turn her nose up slightly as she come to a stop in front of her.
“Well you certainly smell like a mortal.”
“I am glad for that, otherwise I would be quite a rubbish witch if I was not able to transform myself in such a way,” Emilie retorted, wavering slightly under the glare of her sister.
“Just get yourself found by a wolf and do not get yourself killed in the process, understand?” It was a dismissal, Emilie knew that. So, she turned and took the path that led into the thick of the forest, she knew where the old hunting lodge was and headed in that direction bracing herself for the storm Melaina was about to unleash. She knew it would be a harsh one just to annoy her.
She had not been walking long, when a rustle amongst the trees forced her to freeze, she could feel the rain start to splash heavily on her as the noise came again; this time closer.
“Melaina?” Emilie called out in a rough whisper, though she knew it was not her sister as a sense of unease settled over her. A flash of white caught her eye and she saw the unmistakable glare of two blood red eyes stare back at her before disappearing. Panic took hold and Emilie ran, just as a clap of lightening lit the area and the form of three vampires stood before her. Letting out a scream she turned and ran blindly, they had forgotten of the newly turned vampires that hid within in the forest, preying on anyone that dared enter in the night. Thunder rolled on overhead as Emilie stumbled through the shrubs, she dared not use her powers in case she was to cross paths with one of the wolves and miscarry their plan before it had even started. So, she was left to fend for herself as a mortal would, and she knew that never ended well. Rain beat down upon her as she stumbled unable to sense the vampires near her, though she did not doubt that they were not very far. They could have caught her by now but she knew they enjoyed the chase, preferred to play with their meal first, to torment them. Not looking where she was going she stumbled badly, landing heavily on the sodden ground her head connecting with the stump of a tree. Dazed, she looked up to see the three vampires standing over her, serpent like eyes staring hungrily upon her.
“Hello there little lady, no need to be frightened, this will not hurt, but we are hungry and you are the first person to cross our path for quite some time,” the largest of them spoke. Emilie said nothing, but instead closed her eyes and waited for them to sink their teeth into her. Waiting for them to meet their death once they tasted her blood.
Chapter Five
Conan growled as he felt the first drops of rain splash onto his skin, he had stupidly forgotten his cloak and now found himself in the path of a potential storm wearing just a shirt and shabby breeches. He had been sent out to find some food for the three of them while Raff had gone to speak with someone Bardou had put him in touch with. Finally, something was happening, even if it was a small something it would shut Maccon up. His brother was at the lodge as usual, it was his own fault that he was not allowed out amongst the mortals. The first day they had arrived they were almost found out when he went about seducing a female in Paris; and Raff was not about to let that happen again so now Maccon was stuck keeping watch over the old lodge they had been living in. Conan looked down upon the meat he held, Maccon would hate it, it was not decent, and Conan had to admit that he had been so tempted to kill a deer he had come across while on his walk into Paris. The animal had smelt so good and it would have made for a much-needed tasty meal.
Looking up at the sky he saw a flash of lightening illuminate the darkness, followed by the low rumble of thunder. Another sound shattered the silence of the forest, i
t was that of a scream; a human scream. Conan turned his nose to the wind. Vampires. Dropping the meat, he did not care that he would be in trouble with his brothers later, he ran towards the cry. Slinking into the shadows he watched the three blood drinkers circle the young girl on the ground. The poor human was huddled terrified as they stalked her. Her cloak was soaked and her dress soiled. He could see a small cut on her head, he guessed she had hit it against the tree when she had fallen. She looked no more than a child and that thought alone only angered him. Growling low he stepped out into their view.
“I believe the game to be finished now, do you not? This girl will not be your next meal,” Conan spoke, his voice holding a hidden threat to it.
“Is that so? And who are you to decide this? Wolf.” The smirk on the vampire's face only infuriated Conan more, but he did not wish to terrify the girl any more by changing, though he could see that this was becoming less of an option. Conan stepped closer, standing protectively over the mortal.
“Leave blood feeders, and no one has to die tonight,” he snarled.
“I think it is a bit late for that mongrel,” the eldest vampire spat as long pearly white fangs slid from between his thin snarling lips. Conan lifted his head letting out a howl just as flash of lightning struck a dead tree bringing forth flames, thunder roared rolling across the sky as he felt his body change. His eyes turning a dangerous amber, his own fangs bared from his long snout, razor sharp claws extending from hands that had taken the form of paws. His body no longer in human form but that of a strong, powerful auburn beast, letting out a blood curdling snarl he leapt over the prone body of the intended victim and landed in front of the vampires, prowling back and forth.
“Which one would like to die first?” he hissed, crying out as he was pounced on from behind by one of them. Throwing him off easily he turned, ready for the next attack, and as the storm raged on he fought to protect this god damn human.
Emilie pushed herself against the tree, watching with terrified eyes as the wolf fought the three vampires. He was greatly outnumbered and although he was putting up a fine fight she could tell he was weakening. One vampire was dead by a snap of the neck from his strong jaw, but the other two were stronger and faster, slicing at him from either side with lightning speed. Emilie could take no more, this brave creature was fighting to defend her, yet she could defend herself. She had to help him, no matter if it would ruin the task, she was not like her sister. She was about to stand and strike the vampire that was coming up behind her would-be rescuer when a flash of black came from her left and that very vampire was thrown against a tree. The flash of black had been that of another wolf, and in a blink of an eye the two remaining vampires lay dead at his feet. Emilie stayed still not daring to move as the new wolf made his way to where his brother lay, now crumpled on the wet grass, turned back to his human form. The light from the dying fire of the tree gave her enough to see the deep wounds on his sides and his left arm and thigh. Suddenly she felt piercing eyes on her and she turned her attention back to other man that was now with them, the man that moments ago had been the black wolf. Emilie swallowed heavily as she stared into a pair of steel grey eyes, her throat dry as she realised that both the men were now naked. Pulling herself to her feet, she removed her coat handing it to the black wolf.
“Here wrap this over your brother, then will you let me help you back home? I am a healer; from the city, I work at the hospital. Please, the least I can do is tend to his wounds, and I do not wish to be alone in these woods, in this storm any longer,” she said.
The wolf snatched the cloak from her, and as he moved back to his brother's side she could not help but admire him. He was tall with hair the colour of night, his body rippled with muscle, but his eyes, the steel grey stare that had greeted Emilie was what drew her to him. Looking into those intense eyes something came over her. Something she could not explain, but she knew he was the one that she was here to seduce, to gain trust within this pack, but right now she could sense he was angry and that he blamed her for the attack on his brother. His deep smooth voice rang through her ears as he spoke,
“Well are you coming then?”
Emilie had not realized he had scooped his brother into his arms and was looking at her expectantly, waiting for her to follow. Nodding mutely, the dangerous look in his eyes silencing her as she followed. She was certain that he could hear the pounding of her heart as it hammered against her chest, almost to the point of bursting free. She would not lie to herself, she was scared. The storm had died down, Melaina obviously decided that Emilie had done what she needed to do. Swallowing heavily, she continued following the naked man in silence, forcing her gaze anywhere else but on the finely toned behind in front of her. She dared not speak, she was still unsure that this wolf would not rip her to shreds. The look in his eyes when they had locked with hers had been murderous, and she realised the only reason she was alive right this moment was because she had claimed to be a healer. Thank the heavens for small mercies.
Melaina stood hidden in the shadows watching all that had unfolded before her. For a moment, she had been tempted to help her sister, but that moment had passed quickly at the appearance of the wolf. Though something told her this would not be the one that would help them in their quest. No, he turned up to help his brother at the last moment. Melaina had to admit, she would never tire of watching the beauty of a wolf transform. It always gave her a thrill of excitement when she could see it happen. They may be the enemy, but they truly were magnificent forces of nature, and one Melaina was certain she would always admire. Satisfied that Emilie was safely within the walls of the old lodge; having followed them at a distance and watching the door close she silenced the storm. Turning away from the lodge, making her return to Nikolas, she thought of the black wolf, he was a magnificent beast. She envied her sister that she would be the one to find out just how magnificent he would be in all aspects; it was time she found herself a play thing to satisfy her needs.
Melaina pushed her way passed the guards of the Louvre ignoring their protests as she made her way straight to Nikolas's office, pushing the door open she stopped seeing the King sitting, he faced Nikolas, they both turned to look at her. Melaina was quick to drop into a low curtsy,
“Your Majesty, forgive me for the intrusion,” rising she turned to leave but the fluid voice of the King stopped her.
“Please Melaina stay, I was just leaving. I am sure Nikolas will relay anything of importance to me.” Standing he moved gracefully to the door. Both Nikolas and Melaina dropping down in respect; neither rising until the door closed behind him. Melaina slumped down on the chair the King had just vacated as Nikolas returned to his seat.
“What did the vampire want?” Melaina questioned, ignoring the look that Nikolas sent her.
“The King wanted to know what was happening with your sister, he saw her with me the other day; though he has never laid eyes on Emilie before he said she reminded him of someone he once knew, but I am not sure who. Emilie and you are the only two witches that possess the Dark Blood.” Nikolas shook his head as if to rid himself of the encounter. “Enough of what the King and I were discussing; I want to know if Emilie is where she should be,” Nikolas replied gruffly, pouring them both a glass of wine.
“She is in the lodge as we speak,” Melaina relayed, “it all went smoothly enough, though we did not take in to account the rogue vampires that hide in the shadows of the forest. Emilie was nearly their latest meal, if it had not been for the wolf that came to her rescue.”
“Was it him? How perfect, that our dog is the one that came to her aid,” Nikolas interrupted while watching Melaina shake her head in response.
“Not quite, he made his appearance later, coming to the rescue of his brother, who to be fair, was doing a damn good job against three young, strong vampires. But the point is, the black wolf is our man; and Emilie has her work cut out for her. He was not happy to see her and was reluctant to allow her to follow him back to the lodge;
he only agreed because she asked to tend to his brother's wounds. Playing the healer trade was the most convenient way for her to get inside the pack. I will keep watch over the lodge and be sure to speak with Emilie as soon as possible, but for now it is out of our hands. We must trust her.”
“I trust her Melaina, I just hope that she does not allow herself to fall in love with him as she did with that Vampire the last time we asked this of her.”
“She will not make that mistake again Nikolas, I am certain of it. She lost much from that last love; she has not been with anyone since and she will protect herself from that cursed emotion.” Melaina's words reassured him if just a little. Raising his glass flashing her a smile,
“Then a toast to Emilie and a hope we can bring the King news soon that the wolves are on their way back to England with their tails between their legs.”
Chapter Six
Maccon covered the ground quickly as he carried Conan's battered body back to the lodge. He did not care that the girl was struggling to keep up with his long strides, nor how it looked as one naked man carried another wrapped in a red cloak with a young girl following behind in just a thin pale blue dress; she was shivering against the damp and cold that had been left in the wake of the storm. He was concerned at the lack of response from Conan as he tried to rouse him enough to speak; but Conan had lost so much blood. Those damn blood suckers had done him over well enough, he did not know what his brother had been thinking risking his life taking on three newly turned vampires alone, just to save a mortal. Finally, the old lodge came into view and Maccon was relieved to see Raff had returned already. The soft glowing light of a fresh fire shone brightly through the window. Bursting through the door ignoring the startled look on Raff's face as he was followed by their mortal pet, he placed Conan carefully on the bed turning to the girl.